A lot of people secrefice their lives to build this place we call home and a country Ghana. Ghana is a country of different tribes, kingdoms, culture and believes. This country needs to come together as one nation.

The first step to nation building is to co – exist with each other, we are the future of this country, and we need to set the pace. Our chiefs, stakeholders and opinion leaders of this country should rise up and come together to push our country forward. Our children and grandchildren should come after we are gone and benefit on our hard work and toils. Our chiefs need to strive towards unity and nation building, if we come together as a nation then we can go forward.

Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, this man fought and gained independence for our country, he happens to be the first president of our country Ghana. He laid down a foundation and we refused to build on that. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s vision for this country, his policies and projects he left for this country has all gone down to the drain. He wanted to go for a one party state but no one saw the vision he was trying to build. This country would have had a successive change of leadership of the country, and we would have had a road map to follow.

Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s industrial policy touched my heart, he mentioned this policy in his last address to parliament on the 1 of February, 1966 before his overthrow. ” Technical education is progressing steadily. Already a Technical Teacher Training College has been built in Kumasi to train teachers; it is expected within five years this college will have trianed an adequate number of technical teachers for our polytechnics, technical institutes and training centres. A third Government secondary technical school was opened in Obuasi in November last year and a fourth one under construction at Koforidua is near completion.

While higher education advances in a broad front. I have directed that emphasis be laid on education in science and technology with view to Ghana producing in the shortest possible time not only the administrators and managers required to implement our developmental programs, but also the Scientist, Technologist and Technicians needed in the industry and agriculture. At the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, the former faculty of Science has been reconstituted into two faculties, namely the faculty of Applied Science and the faculty of Technology. In the faculty of Applied Science courses in Metrology, Nuclear physics and Applied Bio- chemistry have been introduced, while courses in Chemical and Textiles Technology and Glassware are planned for the faculty of Technology.”

The National Liberation Council ( NLC) led Ghana from 24 February, 1966 to 1 October, 1969 . That government emerge from a violent coup d’ etat ( Ghana first) against the civilian government led by Kwame Nkrumah. The new government implemented structural adjustment policies recommended by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank🏦.

1. Money in the national budget shifted away from agriculture and industrialization towards the military.

2. National enterprises, property, and capital were privatized or abandoned.

3. The NLC allowed foreign conglomerate to operate on extremely favorable terms.

4. The Ghana cedi was devalued by 30%. This is where we lost it as a country and the NLC brought Ghana where we are now.

This country has not stand on it’s feet after the National Liberation Council took over the affairs of the country. General Affrifa, Achampong, Dr. Hilal Liman, Jerry John Rawlings all came and nothing changed due to the change of course of the country by the leaders and making everything so difficult for everyone.